Nature’s Daily Guide
The influence of the lunar cycle.
Explore the lunar cycle and its effects on nature and our lives. The moon has an influence on the history of mankind, the lives of great leaders as well as everyday men and women. It has an effect on all of nature and our well-being, even on our daily activities in multiple areas of life. Here you will find a collection of information on the subject collected from many different sources of mostly European origin.

This reference book illustrates the effects of the phases of the moon, (New Moon, waxing moon, Full Moon, and waning moon). It explains the influence of the zodiac signs on the lunar cycle. All impacts are explained in detail for each of the zodiac signs, and the waxing and waning moon, as they affect the areas of success, leisure, health, body care, garden/nature, housework, and nutrition.
Many activities have the greatest chance of success if they are in tune with nature’s rhythms, saving you time, effort, and money while also guiding you to live a more efficient and sustainable way of life. Discover the interesting facts and useful ideas in Nature’s Daily Guide for living in harmony with the powerful flow of the lunar cycle.
Considering the effect of the lunar cycle enables you to plan ahead to best utilize all opportunities, possibilities, and activities. If you are already familiar with Nature’s Almanac or the lunar cycle, this book will enrich your insights into the lunar cycle. Improved knowledge of the lunar cycle’s effects will ease their application in your daily life.
Many modern lifestyles ignore nature’s rhythms made possible by technical achievements. The urban way of life can make it difficult to fully integrate nature’s laws. Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine” (460-375 BC), warned in his lectures, that humans persistently living against biological rhythms will negatively impact one’s health.
Francis Bacon (1561-1626), an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, essayist, and author, once advised: “We can only master nature by complying to her laws.”
To inhale or exhale, to be asleep or awake, to be stressed or relaxed are opposites which balance each other out in an ongoing rhythm.
Nowadays it can be a challenge for people to deliberately follow natural rhythms. To take hold or let go, to be active or passive… the right timing of these balancing movements defines a sustainable lifestyle. If we disrupt the rhythmical return of the opposites, we neglect a most important balance in our lives. Without the balancing of extremes, we get sick.
Many strive for permanence in a fast-paced lifestyle. Isn’t there permanence in the rhythmic return of polarities? And doesn’t this rhythm enrich our lives?
We cannot turn back the wheels of time, but there is always a choice and an innovative way to integrate nature’s rhythms into our lives. Your interest in this book mirrors the intention of many – the pursuit of a more sustainable lifestyle.
Explore the lunar cycle and its effects on nature and our lives. The moon has an influence on the history of mankind, the lives of great leaders as well as everyday men and women. It has an effect on all of nature and our well-being, even on our daily activities in multiple areas of life. Here you will find a collection of information on the subject collected from many different sources of mostly European origin.
This reference book illustrates the effects of the phases of the moon, (New Moon, waxing moon, Full Moon, and waning moon). It explains the influence of the zodiac signs on the lunar cycle. All impacts are explained in detail for each of the zodiac signs, and the waxing and waning moon, as they affect the areas of success, leisure, health, body care, garden/nature, housework, and nutrition.
Many activities have the greatest chance of success if they are in tune with nature’s rhythms, saving you time, effort, and money while also guiding you to live a more efficient and sustainable way of life. Discover the interesting facts and useful ideas in Nature’s Daily Guide for living in harmony with the powerful flow of the lunar cycle.
Considering the effect of the lunar cycle enables you to plan ahead to best utilize all opportunities, possibilities, and activities. If you are already familiar with Nature’s Almanac or the lunar cycle, this book will enrich your insights into the lunar cycle. Improved knowledge of the lunar cycle’s effects will ease their application in your daily life.