Home of the award winning almanac:
Nature’s Daily Guide to Success
Discover hundreds of practical rules for living a better, healthier and more successful life. Plan ahead to improve your opportunities, possibilities and activities daily. Know more, be better prepared from the influences of the lunar cycle.

This knowledge has been used for centuries in all aspects of life by generations of farmer’s and people living close to nature.
The moon governs the water in all oceans on earth, it rules the tides. All of nature is affected by the lunar cycle. Since our human body consists to 80 percent of water, the moon influences us as well.

How to use the calendar:
Pick the day of your interest, and just read through the columns to learn about what is favorable or unfavorable to do.
print copy ISBN 979-8-9864777-3-2 retail: $18.95 |
Nature’s Daily Guide
Reference Book

Reference Book
Explore the lunar cycle and its effects on nature and our lives. The moon has an influence on the history of mankind, the lives of great leaders as well as everyday men and women. It has an effect on all of nature and our well-being, even on our daily activities in multiple areas of life. Here you will find a collection of information on the subject collected from many different sources of mostly European origin.
This reference book illustrates the effects of the phases of the moon, (New Moon, waxing moon, Full Moon, and waning moon). It explains the influence of the zodiac signs on the lunar cycle. All impacts are explained in detail for each of the zodiac signs, and the waxing and waning moon, as they affect the areas of success, leisure, health, body care, garden/nature, housework, and nutrition.
print copy ISBN 978-0-9854637-8-6 retail: $12.95 | e-book ISBN 978-0-9854637-0-0 retail: $6.99 |
Journey to the House of Light
Photography and Poetry of Spirituality and Sustainability
by RodHemsell and Edith Stadig

Photography and Poetry
Our aspiration has been to create a book of poetry and photography that may contribute to the universal, evolutionary emergence of the higher faculties of hearing, seeing, and remembering. It is our view that such an emergence is crucial for humanity and the world today. A transformation of consciousness is necessary before there can be the radical change of our habits of behavior that is necessary if we are to achieve a sustainable lifestyle. The poetry has a continuous underlying theme and central story – the transformation of consciousness symbolized by nature, especially mountains, rivers, forests and ocean. The theme is a synthesis of Vedic and Platonic philosophy and the poetic style is lyrical and metaphysical. Audio files are included to convey the rhythmic quality of the Sanskrit principle of sruti. The photography is basically of the Pacific Northwest, some from Hawaii.
In addition to the poetry and photography that are ‘read’ with the eye, we have also included the dimension of sound with this text, which may help us free the mind and eye from their habitual habits of abstract understanding and open our consciousness to an inner hearing of the Word, in a way that enhances our ability to experience the oneness of Being. The outer hearing is often a more direct channel for inner hearing than reading silently. We have therefore included Quick Response bar codes at the end of each poem which enable your smart phone to access the link to the audio recording of the poem.
paperback print copy 152 pages inside format 8.5“ x 11“ ISBN 978-1-7324050-1-1 retail: $29.95 | hardcover print copy 152 pages inside format 8.5“ x 11“ ISBN 979-8-9864777-0-1 retail: |